Acquire any asset of your choice with our Asset financing loan including land, commercial vehicle, farm machiner
Jambo Home Loan
The ideal product if you are looking to acquire your dream home either through outright purchase or off-plan development.
Biashara Loan
Expand your business by taking it to the next level through Jambo Biashara Loan.
Individual Account
If you are looking to start saving and later borrow using your savings as security, this is the ideal choice for you.
School fees (elimu)
Check out our Elimu product for all your education financing needs, either for yourself or a legal dependant.
Chama Account
Our Chama account is for groups that want to pool their resources together and enjoy group financing at attractive interest rates.
Jambo Solar
We also offer a wide variety of solar products, for more inquiries please call or email us.
Jambo Jiko
Here at Jambo we are committed to helping society. Even in terms of climate change, and with jikokisasa you will use less fuel (firewood) hence less deforestation. All this at a cheaper price, please contact us for more inquiries.